Patrocinio del
Comune di Roma
Dipartimento XIV
The Global Prehistory Consortium at EURO INNOVANET
 Milady Tărtăria and the riddle of dating Tărtăria tablets
by Marco Merlini
3. A challenge to some of the myths on those mythical artefacts

c) The person was not a Great Priest or a Shaman but a "revered holy woman"

But who was the adult buried with the inscribed tablets? If one wants to go on with the image of a ritual pit, one should start to talk about the Tartaria Priestess, shaman-woman or dignitary-woman. In this phase of the research we prefer to talk about the "Milady Tartaria" and to indicate her as a "revered holy woman". [20]
In fact she was buried with a pile of artifacts which could be only ritual.

Why does most part of the figurines have a phallus-shape? Among the ritual objects an pendant-idol anchor has been found. Was this strange artifact connected with the weaving process as in Sitagroi, Servia, Ayios Mamas, and Dikili Tash? [21]

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