The Global Prehistory Consortium at EURO INNOVANET
 The Old European Script. Further evidence
di Shan M. M. Winn
Lack of development of the signs and system

The static nature of the signs may reflect a persistent world view and belief system that endured for centuries. Lack of change or development in the system simply indicates that a pervasive ideology, adequately expressed by the signs and symbols, necessitated little or no further evolution.
"Equally enigmatic is the fact that, notwithstanding these early distinctions in sign usage, scarcely any evolution in signs or sign usage ever took place, although the signs are a principle feature of the Vinča culture.
At later settlements (Vinča C-D period) a few new signs, especially ligatures, were introduced, but many of these are limited to specific regional sites. Otherwise, signs at Tordos, (except for the later disappearance of swastikas and whorls) are consistent with those of the Vinča culture....
The lack of change or development in the system may simply indicate that an established ideology, adequately expressed by signs and symbols, does not necessitate further evolution.
The Vinča sign system probably had no need to develop further because it primarily served temporary or cyclical ritual needs of traditional horticultural societies not yet undergoing political or economic pressure to institute changes in sign usage.
The thousands of excavated figurines impressively demonstrate the cardinal role of domestic ritual in Vinča society; thus it is significant that the near abandonment of figurine manufacture at the close of the Neolithic is accompanied by the discontinuance of signs on pottery and spindle whorls.
The decline of such prominent ritual items and associated symbolism in the fourth millennium signals an important transformation in ideology as well as in subsistence patterns and social structure characterizing the early Bronze Age" (Winn 1990:278).

Figure 9. Tordos (Torma notebook)
